Friday, October 29, 2010

A New Adventure

Evidently November is Art Every Day co-author Peg has adjusted the theme of the month to "Create Every Day." Peg wrote about her commitment issues in today's blog post, and here's my knee-jerk response:

Peg...I have commitment issues too, LOL...but somehow, partnering up with a friend to write a book made the whole thing less daunting, and more of an adventure.

I'm inspired by the concept of "Create Every Day" - and would like to join you on this adventure.

Like you, I don't know if I'll actually manage to do a blog post every day on top of creating every day, but then again, it's "Create Every Day" not "Write A Blog Post About What You Created Every Day."

Let's see where this path takes us, shall we? And who else would like to join us on this adventure?