Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, we made it through another holiday season and the New Year is in full swing. I have to say I'm glad to see the end of 2006 - it was a rough year for our family, especially because we lost two close family members, Jerry's dad Gene, and my grandfather Don. Here's hoping that 2007 will bring more laughter than tears to us all.

One thing we did that was a good idea: We set a holiday spending budget, and stuck to it. The results? We had a lovely holiday and are not now stressed out about how much money we spent and how-in-the-world-will-we-pay-for-this? My biggest headache right now is trying to get the holiday decorations put away before Valentine's Day.

As for the New Year, we're revamping our homeschool strategy, and I'm already thinking about what to plant in the garden this year (we're considering growing potatoes and winter squash--I'll let you know how that goes). Too, as far as my work goes, I'll be working on a business plan, along with my website in the New Year.

Wishing everyone a blessed New Year filled with health, delight, and goodwill,